Material sustainability

BUMAX provides long-lasting and maintenance-free stainless steel fasteners to reduce environmental impact and lifecycle costs.

As stainless steel is strong, durable, corrosion resistant and recyclable, stainless steel fasteners have low maintenance costs, a long life and are easy to recycle at the end of their life. These properties make stainless steel fasteners an ideal and more sustainable choice for a variety of demanding applications.

Lower lifecycle costs and impact

Lifecycle studies show that the total cost of stainless steel can be 30% to 40% lower than for competing materials due to reduced repair, maintenance and replacement costs throughout their lifespan. The reduced need to repair, maintain and replace stainless steel fasteners also provides lifecycle environmental savings in terms of the reduced use of raw materials, energy and fuel. Manufacturing fasteners only once, instead of twice or even three times during a certain time period due to breakages and repair is more resource efficient.

Corrosion resistance

Stainless steel fasteners are an optimal choice in challenging applications such as corrosive and extreme temperature environments due to the inherent corrosion resistance properties of stainless steel. Corrosion resistance increases durability and the lifetime of the fastener – to avoid unnecessary repairs and replacements. In addition, stainless steel fasteners do not need surface coatings that may be harmful to the environment.


Stainless steels are easily recycled to produce more stainless steel, and this process can continue indefinitely as the material is not degraded when reprocessed. The use of recycled materials ensures that virgin raw materials are not required, and stainless steel can contribute toward a circular economy with no waste.

Approximately 80% of the stainless steel BUMAX sources is derived from recycled raw materials.

BUMAX is available worldwide

Our extensive network of sales offices and distributors makes it easy to get in touch with us. Find your local sales office or distributor below. For countries not represented, please contact our Main Sales Office.


BUMAX Distribution Opportunities
BUMAX are interested in partnering with technically focused engineering and industrial product distributors.  We offer distribution partners access to a unique range of high-performance products and expert technical support.  BUMAX customers include some of the world's leading companies in energy, oil & gas, space, marine, process equipment, heavy machinery, defence, construction, high-tech manufacturing, etc.

For expressions of interest, please contact Jacob Bergstrom.

Bumax World

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